Evaluation: Stronger contrast may help the photo. There are not many whites and you kind of lose the left shoulder. The bottom right corner works well, it would be nice if that were happening over the entire photograph.
Extension: Jewelry adds with jewelry placed in non traditional placements.
Interpretation: Looks like a magazine add. The focus and repetition is nice.
Evaluation: Might look better if color
Extension: Advertisements with numerous amounts of the products, and repetition.

Interpretation: Bottom photo is more peaceful along with the contrast of the one on top. Bottom photo could almost be a fashion shot as well.
Evaluation: An angle change to distort the body more in the top photo might look better. It might also be more interesting taking from view outside of the door.
Extension: Juxtaposing crime scenes and restful places, but positioning the people the same in each separate photograph. Scenes juxtaposed foreshadowing death and then the actual death.
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