Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Assignment 6 Written Statements P1

Composition: In the set, the photographs in the left of the diptych all have the same composition with the exception of the chairs. The set up overall gives a nostalgic feel due to the surroundings of the chair. For instance, the floor has an aged look along with the night stand and lamp that are antique in appearance. The consistent composition allows the viewer to focus in on the chair and notice its beauty. In addition, the right of the diptych gives a zoomed in perspective. This allows the viewer to truly see the small details and characteristics of the chair.

Concept/Aboutness/Idea: I think my images are simply about a nostalgic feel. Specifically for me, these chairs individually hold a memory of mine throughout my childhood and my continuing life. Even the location is one that is extremely important to me. Also, I wanted the idea that there can be beauty in objects as mundane as a chair. I always appreciate small detailing in objects and I wanted to make this prominent.

Method: In order to create the left diptych I did not move the camera what-so-ever and kept it constant so that absolutely nothing would change aside from the chairs, not even the angle. I then decided to take a close up of each chair where I thought they were the most interesting. I took several different images as far as composition in order to figure out exactly how I wanted the set to appear. I included a person because I thought that might be an option, but ended up not following through with that idea in the end.

Motivations: Overall my goal was to simply make a beautiful picture that there is not necessarily more to read into, just the picture in and of itself. I wanted to capture the beauty I felt these chairs possessed.

Context: When trying to find other photographers that take similar photographs, I only came across stock photographs of chairs. I feel like the subject may not have a lot of interest for others. I think they are overlooked as being beautiful objects. I think my work is different because it appreciates that they can be objects to photographs.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog Prompt #25

Write a detailed description of your “motivations” for your final self-proposed project. Why are you interested in this subject? What do you want to convey? How do you want viewers to respond? Why are you inspired to make these images/this project? Do you want to evoke emotions in viewers? Shock viewers? Make them laugh? Make them think? Inform them? Reveal something about how you see the world? Reveal something about yourself, a person, a place, a feeling, a memory, a moment in time?

From the beginning of the semester I kept thinking of what interesting photographs I could get if I could take them at my Nonna's so it just so worked out that I had the opportunity to take these photographs in time for this final project. My interest in the subject is more personal for me than it may appear. This is a place of so many memories and even the chairs have their individual connection to memories. Overall I just wanted to convey a nostalgic, simple beauty. I want viewers to appreciate the small details and interesting characteristics in the chairs as much as I do.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Written Statements P2

Interpretation: The left image looks like a film still. They have a likeness or similarity to Cindy Sherman's work. The mask makes the subject more generalized so that it can apply to all housewives.

Evaluation: It would be nice to have the full figure in the left image. The face being covered leaves the identity ambiguous so that you can place anyones identity in this context. The line that is created started by the shoe leads you nicely through the image.

Extension: I could go further into the idea of a housewife and their role in society. More images could be taken to demonstrate the desire to not want to lead this lifestyle.

Interpretation: The photo of the guy with crossed legs works. It is interesting that it is a intense, strong man and crossed legs is a powerful pose for a woman.

Evaluation: The images work better now that the table is aligned and horizontal. The poses could be more exaggerated. Maybe incorporate more guys or have them in feminine attire. More contrast would also be nice.

Extension: The idea of pushing how men and women are expected to be a certain way or have a certain body positioning. It could go either way such as having men with feminine poses or men with manly poses.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Written Statements P1

Composition: I wanted her to be centered in the kitchen and for the perspective to be about equal with hers.

Concept/Aboutness/Idea: I think the concept is about the typical housewife that is playing this role of order and perfection. The glove mask takes away her identity and therefore she stands for every and any housewife. The setting along with her attire support this concept.

Method: When I thought of masking someone I initially thought of taking pictures in the kitchen and little by little it led to this idea. I looked around for things to mask her face and found the glove and everything came together.

Motivations: This picture combined with the other kitchen seen has the intention of giving my opinion of a housewife and the way I feel about the whole concept.

Context: I think this idea of the past relates to works now because it is still occurring and I think it is an intriguing idea.

Composition: The subject is not centered and instead is off to the side. The perspective draws you in to the subject as well.

Concept/Aboutness/Idea: I think my image is about the housewife that does not necessarily want to be in that role or does not always want to be perfect. It is as though she is drained and tired of the day to day work.

Method: After going back to a second shoot I took contrasting images that did not fit the role. I used the same scene, but with a different feel.

Motivations: As previously mentioned. I wanted to show my opinion and I think paring the two does this. I do not really agree with the whole housewife thing and personally know I would completely hate having to put up with it. I guess this is my interpretation of how I feel about the issue.

Context: Similar to what I said before, I think this is still a prominent idea. Even more so, the idea of having to fit into a role that you may not agree with and/or like is something most people deal with every day.

Composition: I wanted the framing to be the same for all three of these images so that the only difference would be the positioning of the subject and the picture.

Concept/Aboutness/Idea: I think my images are about being able to get rid of an identity and placing any new identity to fit into that place. At the same time the interior identity is still there which is present with the body displayed which does not change.

Method: I did not brainstorm, I just looked through magazines to find the most opposing images so that they would have the greatest contrast.

Motivations: I wanted the subject to take on the new identity, but at the same time to be true to their own.

Context: I think most photography is about giving the subject a new identity to fit the idea that is trying to be conveyed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog Prompt #24

A. Pick two images from any of the “constructed reality” photographers presented in class or linked on the assignment sheet. Describe how you could recreate these two images on a “smaller scale”.
Ideas similar to Cindy Sherman's would easily be done small scale. To re-enact film stills is an idea that I both like and think work well once recreated. Also, Tom Jackson's work could be brought down to small scale. instead of making a full room or set up of a still life, a miniature still life could be set up. Objects like dolls or mini items could be used or just items that are not large enough to take over a whole room such as bottles and lamps.

B. Describe your plans for your self-proposed final project (if the plan is the same as before, paste it here again and give a bit more detail). During the final critique for Assignment #5, you will discuss/present these ideas to the class.
I thought more about just using film stills from certain movies and specifically from (500) Days of Summer. I realized I like certain parts of the movie that showed Reality vs. Expectations side by side. I thought this would be an interesting thing to do and I could use both images from the movie along with ideas of my own. These will work as tryptic images.

Works In Progress